
Learn the Kotlin Language

Learning path outcomes

  • Read and write Kotlin code
  • Understand best practices of good, maintainable code


Interest in Android development.


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Learn the Kotlin Language

Learning path content

Learn the Basics of the Kotlin Language
This online course is designed to teach the fundamentals of Kotlin programming for creating simple programs. The course consists of 6 lessons and covers variables, data operations, and collections. The course also covers Android Studio, mutable and immutable variables, variable types, inferred types, operators, null values and more. The course is designed for the Android platform, taught in Kotlin and uses Android Studio. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to create simple programs using Kotlin programming language.
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Utilize Control Flow in Kotlin
This module teaches how to use Kotlin’s control flow features to branch code based on variable state.
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Leverage Kotlin Functions & Lambdas
This module covers the basics of writing functions and then calling those functions in code. It also covers Kotlin’s lambda features, illustrating how to pass lambdas into functions.
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Use Kotlin Classes
This module covers leveraging the powers of classes in Kotlin. It illustrates how to create classes, add properties and methods, and then how to instance them in code. It does not cover general object-oriented programming principles as that is handled in another course.
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Advanced Kotlin Class Features
This module provides an overview of the advanced class features available in Kotlin. Advanced features covered in this module are Generic classes, Generic methods, Extensions, Companion Objects, Data classes, Abstract classes and Enum classes.
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