
Continuing SwiftUI

Learning path outcomes

  • Develop and implement advanced SwiftUI components, including dynamic animations, transitions, and adaptive layouts.
  • Construct and manage sophisticated ViewModel architectures to handle complex state and business logic.
  • Integrate SwiftData for robust data persistence and employ advanced data management strategies.
  • Harness concurrency and asynchronous programming techniques while incorporating voice and language accessibility to build inclusive applications.


Have completed our Beginning iOS & Swift program or at the minimum our Getting Started with SwiftUI course.

Learning path content

Building Robust ViewModels
This course is designed for intermediate iOS developers who want to take their SwiftUI skills to the next level by leveraging the power of Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture. Throughout this course, we will explore advanced SwiftUI concepts and techniques while building a solid foundation for clean and maintainable code using MVVM.
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Building Engaging User Interfaces with SwiftUI
This module explores advanced SwiftUI features and techniques to build complex and visually appealing user interfaces. Students will learn about animation and transitions, building complex layouts, and how to integrate SwiftUI with UIKit to leverage existing code and UI components.
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