Table Views

Learn all about table views: one of the most common tools in iOS development. Display and manipulate data in customizable table views while practicing fundamental concepts used across iOS & UIKit. By Catie Catterwaul.

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Learning path

This is part of the iOS User Interfaces with UIKit learning path. View path.

Who is this for?

Beginner iOS developers with some UIKit experience. You should be comfortable with Auto Layout and intermediate Swift concepts. We recommend you follow along with learning path courses in order.

Covered concepts

  • Delegates & Data Sources
  • Diffable Data Sources
  • Hashable & Equatable
  • Cell Dequeuing
  • Cell Selection
  • Custom Prototype Cells
  • Static Cells
  • Headers & Footers
  • Adding/Deleting/Moving Rows

Part 1: Table View Fundamentals

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In this introductory episode, find out a bit about table views, and what you can learn in this course.

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Learn to set up your first table view controller and table view cell in this episode, all from a storyboard.

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Find out what a UITableViewDataSource is, and why it is so important to your table view implementation.

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Learn about how table views work behind the scenes as you scroll through them, and what dequeueing has to do with it.

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There are many ways to navigate in an iOS app. See how to navigate from a table view, and pass data along.

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When the data supporting your table view changes, how do you ensure the table view updates to reflect that change? By reloading the data.

Conclusion 0:33
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Review what you learned in this part of the course about table view fundamentals, and see what's coming up next.

Part 2: Customizing Table Views

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In this part of the course, you will focus on customizing the user interface of your table view with custom cells, headers, and static cells.

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The four default cells aren't your only option! You can make custom table view cells right from the storyboard.

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In this hands on challenge, test your auto layout and table view skills by building another custom cell and connecting it to your code.

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Static Table Views are fantastic options for settings screens and forms in the world of iOS. Learn how to set one up in this episode.

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In this next challenge, design one more static table view in your storyboard. Stick around to learn more about text fields!

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There are a lot of options for displaying multiple sections in a table view when it comes to table view headers. Try a few out in this episode!

Conclusion 0:26
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Review what you learned in this part of the course about customizing table view UI, and see what's coming up next.

Part 3: Managing Rows

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Find out what the difference is between your two data source options for table views in this introduction.

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Learn how to refactor your existing table view to use a diffable data source, without breaking your app!

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In this episode, you'll see the diffable data source at work when you add and remove rows from your table view.

Move Rows 10:23
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Moving rows around is also possible within a table view! Learn how in this challenging episode.

Conclusion 0:41
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In this conclusion episode, review everything you accomplished in this course, and find out what you might learn next!

Up next

iOS & Swift
Collection Views
Learn all about using collection views in iOS to build composable and flexible layouts both in code and us... more


Catie Catterwaul


Catie Catterwaul


Christine Sweigart


Adriana Kutenko


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