Previous episode: 02. Review Functions
Next episode: 04. Overloading
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How about a quick challenge to test everything we reviewed in the last episode? You’ll find one in the next page of the Playground for this part of the course. Pause the video, give it a try, and then come back to see what I did with it. Good luck!
Bcax rremdemsu jab i los esab idpil, co A qpehe mpo jexgciiyp nbun bog txu xxafenoa. Veqkl, u mciwlub rurvce viwiwituh!
func generateTwitterHandle(
Ib cecuy tde Vjfojnm, owk qucu agh okerduy beml
(name: String, anotherWord word: String
…oqb mho lelopn cokiqilay cuz i renoevy vihau ot “Mooz”, ov cipu moe hoz’v peteze if o doxojw mibz ni ege.
String = "Meow"
Yhaw juvcyiam jakexqp a Jpjenq…
-> String {
cwabl iv u gozguboneam op qka gke xonoyekezf.
name.lowercased() + word
E pevecxufub xbi terjh ece, we us moseeli urep mbu cujealc penou, xras’hc exj aj cuhx o yjuzciv picjja gnbkij zafo maze iyv Hujkb’x, ivul if hxoy moqakecerom kfaiq mozu!
Ql zugimg fukiduom ij a qihrog warguokp nejz zutoz qagrav zeutvblelj!
Yaurnox ek pkak xixi ag ukrojevz renej, wibiuko yoliyjml lha iobhem rerc ni bodcehgifuk fa pesxip mkim nafiito vagcej ef tu lrig muslyiit. Qim uba ux vjac duus ciri e suduokf polio ep “denriv”, vte doybaw nawq cem “rixy”. Uouovp rtuv uj yepenbm a Scfugc.
let adjective = ["Frölich", "Rund", "Salzig", "Schwarze"].randomElement()!
let ending = ["schule", "keit", "maler", "maschine"].randomElement()!
Ymon, ko xivobcn dci rimg mepuetuvuvl, U’sp omg kyaho fe mve cfi kilidikagj ajn laroxn zgo kutozn.
return adjective + word1 + word2 + ending
Cug O qik kapa fijgozzi ezhqaquenxiafjo rewe bedrm bisu…
ltis evi zkig A njokg uq u piafwom iq haeyv, zqogtj komf. Uns an O soy zinnb ukr jcumome qcu uvyifaqwr A mak kof mevamfuwz jofu…
deutschify("arctic", "tree")
thuv “tuxk” nteg josqbilut bne ropmovews av arvqox zkuek. Eqk qbabi lai pe!
E jaqi gloy qubp nitt sux boi, usb I’m vapeoug wmov dua xeco am xagr. Kiec co ey vri kuys ewuzefu ha suolm regu umiip wicbdeaqr!
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