iOS App Distribution
This course will walk you step by step through the process of registering for a new developer account and registering your app with App Store Connect. In addition, you’ll learn about internal distribution of your app, testing with TestFlight, and submitting your app to the App Store. By Josh Steele.
Who is this for?
Beginners! If you’ve created an app and want to learn the process of getting the app into the App Store, this course is for you. This course covers both the Human Interface and App Store Review guidelines, testing with TestFlight, then walks you through the process of submitting an app from creating an Apple Developer Account all way to app submission.
Covered concepts
- Human Interface Guidelines
- App Review Guidelines
- Apple accounts
- Joining the Developer Program
- Development and Distribution Certificates
- Provisioning Profiles
- App Store Connect
- TestFlight
- Internal Distribution
- Submitting an App
Part 1: Preparing for Distribution
In this episode, you’ll get an overview of the course. This includes creating a developer account, learning about the certificate and provisioning process, and an overview of App Store Connect.
Learn how to create a Apple developer account and how to join the correct Apple developer program.
Understand the reason for certificates, and how they play a part in the security chain.
Learn the different capabilities of the developer portal and App Store Connect, and how they are interrelated.
Each app you want to release needs its own record and associated set of metadata. In this episode, you’ll learn how to create an app record and a unique app identifier for use by the App Store.
Your App Record needs various types of metadata to fill in fields of your App Store page. In this episode, you’ll learn about the various metadata, including the must haves for getting your app released to the world.
Learn how to use Xcode to create a distribution build and upload it to App Store Connect.
In this episode, you’ll review the material for this part of the course, and look ahead to the rest of the course.
Part 2: Internal Distribution & Beta Testing
In this episode, you’ll get an overview of the different types of internal distribution methods, and how you can beta test your app before releasing it to the public.
The App Store isn’t the only place to publish your apps! Apple provides several internal destinations for app, primarily centered around testing. In this episode, you’ll learn about the difference between public and internal distribution of your apps.
There can be a lot of iteration in the development of your app before it reaches the App Store. You need testers, which means you need to get your app on their devices. Apple provides several internal distribution methods for your app. In this episode, you’ll get an overview of various internal distribution methods and use cases for each.
Ad Hoc distribution is about as close to side loading apps onto an iOS device as we have right now. This distribution technique allows you to host your app and have users download them, all outside the App Store.
Have you ever wanted to make an app, but for a limited set of people? You’re in luck! In addition to apps having a public listing that can be seen by everyone in the App Store, you can now set your app as unlisted, and only provide the link to those people that you want to have it. This gives you all the features and security of the App Store, but just to the people you want.
TestFlight is Apple’s internal testing platform for the public App Store. Both internal and internal testers can download test versions of your app and submit feedback via the TestFlight app. You can even see that feedback inside App Store Connect.
Congrats on finishing this part of the course! After a quick review, you’ll get a peek at what is coming next!
Part 3: App Submission, Review & Publication
In this episode, you’ll get an overview of how to submit your app for review and publication to the App Store.
The App Store has its own set of rules and regulations that you must meet when publishing your app. In this episode, you’ll discover those rules and how to avoid some common pitfalls.
Everyone will probably get rejected to the App Store for something at least once. In this episode, you’ll learn how to handle rejections and some tips on things you can do ahead of time to avoid rejections.
The final step in the publication process is to actually send your app to the App Store. Xcode can do this for you, and in this episode, you’ll learn how this is done.
Ok, your app’s on the App Store. Now what? It’s time to publicize your app. App Store connect can generate promo codes you can send out that let people try your app for free.
Congrats on finishing the course! In this episode, you will review what you’ve learned, and where to go from here.