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  In this lesson, you learned:

  • How to create tables.
  • How to create entities.
  • How to create DAOs.

You’ve looked at what columns and rows are in tables and their usage to store data in a database.

You’ve covered how to use Room to manage an app’s data by creating tables, entities, and DAOs. You began by defining your entity, which represents a table in the database. You’ve also created Data Access Objects (DAOs) to handle operations on this table. DAOs were interfaces marked with the @Dao annotation. DAOs contained various database operations such as inserting, updating, deleting, and querying data. These methods utilized annotations like @Insert, @Update, @Delete, and @Query. The methods simplify SQL interactions.

By following these steps, you have created the app’s Room database. Using Room ensures a structured and type-safe approach to data persistence.

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