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In the previous lesson, you learned about lists in Compose and how you can create highly customized lists with ease that are performant. You also saw how the simplicity of Jetpack Compose starkly contrasts with the verbosity and complexity of the RecyclerView APIs in the UI toolkit.

In this lesson, you’ll go a step further with lists and learn how you can create rich user experiences with grids.

In the context of RecyclerViews, you usually think about grids in terms of a variation of LayoutManager, like the GridLayoutManager, which determines how you place your elements on the screen. But in Jetpack Compose, you can think of grids conceptually as extensions of the list construct and far simpler compared with their RecyclerView counterpart.

In this lesson, you’ll:

  • Identify the purpose of a Grid.
  • Explain how to create a Grid.
  • Detail the purpose of a Lazy Grid.
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