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In the previous chapters, you learned about variables and data types. The next step is to learn how to use those variables. One thing you can do with the variables you created is using operators.

In a programming language, an operator is a special symbol representing an arithmetic, logical, or relational operation. Operators let you manipulate arithmetic or logical values known as operands to derive results. These operators tell the compilers to perform specific mathematical or logical manipulations. They’re a fundamental tool in programming, allowing you to execute a wide-ranging set of tasks from a simple arithmetic computation to complex multi-step evaluations. They also let you branch your code based on conditions, as you’ll see in upcoming lessons.

Kotlin is rich in built-in operators. Although these operators can work with a wide range of variables and constants, some work with only specific data types. In this lesson, you’ll learn about the different operators Kotlin offers. Understanding their functionality and usage helps you in writing efficient and accurate code.

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