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In this lesson, you learned about physical and virtual Android devices. Android Studio allows you to create virtual devices that can emulate various hardware and software configurations. You learned how to create and manage emulators so you can see how your app runs on different device configurations without having to buy them.

You also learned how to connect your physical Android device to Android Studio. You saw how to connect using a USB cable and how to connect through Wi-Fi. Remember that when connecting through Wi-Fi, the device and computer must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Emulators will let you cover a variety of configurations and devices, but in some cases, you want to feel and experience your app on a physical device. Connecting your device to Android Studio allows you to run your Android app on a physical device as you are developing and testing.

Connecting your physical device to Android Studio requires some configuration on your device. This lesson walked you through the steps needed to put your device into developer mode. If you don’t enable the developer options on your Android device, you won’t be able to connect to Android Studio.

Remember that the ADB is a useful command line tool to help you manage connections with your devices. Android Studio uses it under the hood, but you can also interact with it directly. It comes in handy when you need to communicate with the device directly.

After creating emulators and connecting your physical device, you were able to run your first Android app. Take your device and show off your first Android app to all your friends.

Continue to the next module to learn the Kotlin language and strengthen your Android development skills.

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