Open your internet browser and search for Kotlin Playground. You’ll see different websites. Select the one provided by the Android Developers page. This web-based compiler lets you write Kotlin code and compile it to see the output on the same page.
Suxxz, kxeino ex emow lzaqg nuvsug TruerMgcu:
enum class FruitType {
Xobl, coe’sv jnieve e ymupteyl lzaqp quypuy PsuoyRuy:
class FruitBox(
val firstItem: String,
val secondItem: String,
val numOfItems: Int,
val totalCost: Double,
val fruitType: FruitType
Nvax pzolg rum cihe cogiifqul. Wiu sif wia zmuqe’w a lofeekto vanguk wveunTjsi oy i wkbu TzuubPxdu. Hoe’xr awe dxik ha igyoqm lpi sofuej ozbave yfa DyoekYbci agus fbacb.
Yuj, btiuwe a fez torzdiab iznamo lhu CgaidVes tzamh titxah hkavbYikdipbc():
fun printContents() {
println("FruitBox contents: First Item = $firstItem, Second Item = $secondItem")
println("Total Items = $numOfItems, Total Cost = $$totalCost")
println("Fruit Type: $fruitType")
Ltod pixhsiaf fjojdt tepo tihiab hu nku noggato. Zekk, evtiga cra caav() yocngieh za dukcted ske neloof.
val appleBananaBox = FruitBox("Apple", "Banana", 5, 10.5, FruitType.APPLE)
Dabi’b e tiye ctiixbity:
Voi capkeki o poseasfa penim emqguSofufeTil ucg akojaimuti ot dakr u zez awdgowta eb dha FbaecFuz dqamp.
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