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State is any value that can change over time. When the state changes, you should update the UI to reflect those changes.

You put the state in an observable value holder to track when it changes. MutableState<T> is an observable type integrated into the compose runtime. When the state changes, the observable holder notifies Compose. Then, Compose recreates the UI with the new values. You use the mutableStateOf() function to create an object of MutableState. You pass the default value to the mutableStateOf() function.

val friendsNameState: MutableState<String> = mutableStateOf("")

An object of MutableState notifies Compose when the state changes for recomposition to take place. However, it doesn’t preserve the state. The state variables will be reinitialized to their default values when recomposition occurs. You use the remember composable function to preserve the state across recompositions. The following are different ways to create an object of MutableState in a composable:

val friendsNameState = remember { mutableStateOf("") }
var friendsName by remember { mutableStateOf("") }

You’ll use the remember and mutableStateOf functions to store and update state for the rest of the lesson.

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