Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin

May 22 2024 · Kotlin 1.9, Android 14, Kotlin Playground

Lesson 04: Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation & Dependency Inversion

Implementing Dependency Inversion Principle

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Dependency Inversion states that high-level modules shouldn’t depend on low-level modules but on abstractions. In this demo, you’ll adhere to this principle to reduce coupling in your e-commerce app.

Processing order...
Persist order amounting to 2400.0 to an SQLite Database.
interface OrderRepository {
  fun saveOrder(shoppingCart: ShoppingCart): Boolean
class SqliteOrderRepository : OrderRepository {
  override fun saveOrder(shoppingCart: ShoppingCart): Boolean {
    println("Persist order amounting to ${shoppingCart.getTotalOrderPrice()} to an SQLite Database.")
    return true
class OrderService(private val orderRepository: OrderRepository) {
  fun processOrder(shoppingCart: ShoppingCart) {
    println("Processing order...")
val orderProcessor = OrderService(SqliteOrderRepository())
Processing order...
Persist order amounting to 2400.0 to an SQLite Database.
class InMemoryOrderRepository : OrderRepository {
  override fun saveOrder(shoppingCart: ShoppingCart): Boolean {
    println("Persist order amounting to ${shoppingCart.getTotalOrderPrice()} to an In-Memory Database.")
    return true // success
val orderProcessor = OrderService(InMemoryOrderRepository())
Processing order...
Persist order amounting to 2400.0 to an In-Memory Database.
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