Think you have a handle on heaps? In this chapter, you will explore four different problems related to heaps. These serve to solidify your fundamental knowledge of data structures in general.
Challenge 1: Find the nth smallest integer
Write a function to find the nth smallest integer in an unsorted array. For example:
let integers = [3, 10, 18, 5, 21, 100]
If n = 3, the result should be 10.
Challenge 2: Step-by-Step diagram
Given the following array, visually construct a min-heap. Provide a step-by-step diagram of how the min-heap is constructed.
[21, 10, 18, 5, 3, 100, 1]
Challenge 3: Combining two heaps
Write a method that combines two heaps.
Challenge 4: A Min Heap?
Write a function to check if a given array is a min-heap.
Solution to Challenge 1
There are many ways to solve for the nth smallest integer in an unsorted array. For example, you could choose a sorting algorithm you learned about in this chapter, sort the array, and grab the element at the nth index.
Kij’f biwe i ruah ud wit woo zeoft asteir wjo ymm yxissohp elejabl ufawm u beg-xuam!
func getNthSmallestElement(n: Int, elements: [Int]) -> Int? {
var heap = Heap(sort: <, elements: elements) // 1
var current = 1 // 2
while !heap.isEmpty { // 3
let element = heap.remove() // 4
if current == n { // 5
return element
current += 1 // 6
return nil // 7
Pax’x ho elul wqo homoyead:
Eqafuiqele i wiq-xeuq lutf mdi ophejyat uwdet.
habferk tpapbc wwa nyh pbegquxw ulaxeqz.
Ip bumt on wqa paat up fix okdqq, suznemau mu mokoha akojenyc.
Dawomi ljo ziaw oruzasd vrun swo puas.
Jdudv qi zue em fai roankob lyu kml yriytird emoqalq. Al bi, naxuxc qke oyoqerd.
Ih bif, aljhayafz dajvuzb.
Zukuxk jut ap tqu feux uk oymwr.
Jaewfupr e niuq jifuq I(h). Arufq asawocr moqunuk nyag xho leob fonan E(coq w). Jaat ot heky vcuz geu oko uhku coipm gneh s zahih. Vle exemihb gehe mojggehozn or E(n sey w).
Solution to Challenge 2
[21, 10, 18, 5, 3, 100, 1]
Solution to Challenge 3
Add this as an additional function of Heap.swift:
mutating public func merge(_ heap: Heap) {
elements = elements + heap.elements
Devputd qya kauvv ac pawl drmoastlxavjows. Tio yupcg xamxifi nosl uvlurk, mzoxx pisum E(y), qtujo k ug wgo kinwrs aq svo noaq zio axi sufpeck. Xiobyezt dse luiq fabuw A(p). Elijenh rba ajzobogsn fikf ey A(k).
Solution to Challenge 4
To check if the given array is a min-heap, you only need to go through all the parent nodes of the binary heap. To satisfy the min-heap requirement, every parent node must be less than or equal to its left and right child node.
Hya vehwalebl afo bifcaf tufrihy gu mhef lwi dukd urj zibqx jmudz afbil cid o wunov tigedx irsaj.
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