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SwiftUI Animations by Tutorials

First Edition · iOS 16 · Swift 5.7 · Xcode 14

Section I: SwiftUI Animations by Tutorials

Section 1: 11 chapters
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About the Authors

Irina Galata is an author of this book. She is a software engineer living in Linz, Austria originally from Ukraine. She’s passionate about mobile software development and especially animations. In her free time she’s often busy with learning languages, gaming, sewing jackets, or making homemade pasta. Irina‘s GitHub account is @igalata.

Bill Morefield is an author of this book. He’s spent most of his professional life writing code. He bought his first Apple computer to learn to program for the iPhone and got hooked on the platform. He manages the development and cloud team for a college in Tennessee, where he still gets to write code on occasion. When not attached to a keyboard he enjoys hiking and photography.

About the Editors

Renan Dias is a tech editor of this book. He is an iOS software engineer in love with Swift. Renan is always trying to learn more about new technologies. When not studying, you can find him playing video games, watching Disney/Pixar movies or reading manga.

Eli Ganim is a tech editor of this book. He is a Software Engineer who’s passionate about teaching, writing and sharing knowledge with others. He lives in Israel with his wife and kids.

April Rames is the English language editor of this book. She’s a former high school English and theatre teacher and director. When not volunteering at her daughters’ school, she usually spends her time being asked to pretend to be a unicorn, zombie princess or superhero. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, making pasta and exploring the Gulf Coast with her family.

Shai Mishali is the final pass editor on this book. He’s an experienced, award-winning iOS specialist; as well as an international speaker, and a highly active open-source contributor and maintainer on several high-profile projects - namely, the RxSwift Community and RxSwift projects, but also releases many open-source endeavors around Combine such as CombineCocoa, RxCombine and more. As an avid enthusiast of hackathons, Shai took 1st place at BattleHack Tel-Aviv 2014, BattleHack World Finals San Jose 2014, and Ford’s Developer Challenge Tel-Aviv 2015. You can find him on GitHub and Twitter as @freak4pc.

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