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Welcome back to our ongoing series on enhancing iOS app performance! In the previous lesson, we discussed network best practices and how caching can boost the efficiency of your app’s network operations.

Now, let’s delve into two crucial aspects of optimization: thread optimization and memory management. Firstly, we’ll explore how threading works on iOS and how you can leverage advanced Swift features like async/await to effortlessly handle multi-threading. By optimizing thread usage for resource-intensive tasks, you can greatly enhance your app’s responsiveness and overall performance, preventing any UI freezes.

Next, we’ll shift our focus to memory management. You’ll gain insights on detecting and resolving memory leaks, which will ultimately result in optimized resource utilization.

Prepare yourself for a deep dive into optimization, where you’ll discover the joy of creating exceptional iOS experiences while acquiring a wealth of knowledge. It’s time to optimize to the fullest!

In this lesson, you’ll be learning:

  • The basic principles of threads and their role in improving responsiveness.
  • Utilizing the Instrument tool to detect hangs in the app.
  • Leveraging background threads using async and await to offload long-running tasks.
  • Implementing memory management best practices to avoid leaks and optimize resource utilization.
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Previous: Quiz: Optimizing Network Communication & Caching Next: Instruction