Object-Oriented Programming: Beyond the Basics

Oct 17 2023 · Swift 5.9, iOS 17, Xcode 15

Lesson 02: Polishing Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Demo 1

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00:02In this demo, your going to write some logic to determine whether a contact is a person or a company. The first thing to do is introduce the ability to mark a contact as a company. Open the starter Playground. It’s been refactored into separate files. Expand the navigator by clicking the Hide/Show navigator button. Expand the Sources folder, then open the ContactCard.swift file. Add this new field to the ContactCard definition:

public class ContactCard {
  let contactID: UUID
  var firstName: String
  var lastName: String
  var phoneNumber: String
  var relatedContacts: [UUID]
  public var isCompany: Bool // new code
public init(firstName: String, lastName: String, phoneNumber: String) {
  self.firstName = firstName
  self.lastName = lastName
  self.phoneNumber = phoneNumber
  contactID = UUID()
  relatedContacts = []
  isCompany = false // new code
let kodeco = ContactCard(firstName: "Kodeco", lastName: "", phoneNumber: "1111111111")
kodeco.isCompany = true

let razeware = ContactCard(firstName: "Razeware", lastName: "", phoneNumber: "1111111111")
razeware.isCompany = true

//print("Ehab contact contains Tim contact: \(containsTim)")
//print("Tim contact contains Ehab contact: \(containsEhab)")
public func addRelatedContact(_ contact: ContactCard) {

    if isCompany == true && contact.isCompany == true {
      print("Both this contact and the new contact are companies. Adding 2-way relationship")
    } else if isCompany == false && contact.isCompany == false {
      print("Both this contact and the new contact are people. Adding 2-way relationship")
public func addRelatedContact(_ contact: ContactCard) {

  if isCompany == contact.isCompany {
    print("Both this contact and the new contact are the same type. Adding 2-way relationship")
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