State Management in SwiftUI

Jun 20 2024 · Swift 5.9, iOS 17.2, Xcode 15.2

Lesson 01: Introduction to State Management with @State

Understanding @State Demo

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In this demo, you’ll enhance a budget-tracking app by making it interactive. You’ll learn how to use the @State property wrapper to manage local state and update the UI dynamically. Time to dive in!

First, open the starter MyBudget Xcode project located in the 03-Understanding-@State-Demo/Starter directory. Navigate to the BudgetTrackerApp.swift file. This file contains all the code for the budget-tracking app. You’ve already seen how data flows through the app’s view hierarchy to display a list of financial entries. Now, it’s time to make this list dynamic by allowing users to add new entries.

Start by looking at the ContentView struct. Currently, it receives an array of FinancialEntry objects from the app’s entry point and displays them in a list. Change this so that ContentView manages its own list of entries and can add new ones.

To do this, use the @State property wrapper. @State allows managing local, mutable state within views. When a @State property changes, SwiftUI automatically updates the parts of the view that depend on that property.

Replace the let entries: [FinancialEntry] line in ContentView with the following:

@State var entries: [FinancialEntry] = []

By adding @State and changing let to var, you’ve made entries a mutable state property that ContentView can modify. Also, initialize it with an empty array for now.

Now that entries is local to ContentView, go up to the WindowGroup and stop passing the entries array into ContentView view since ContentView has its own array now.

Also remove the array that’s being passed into the preview.

Next, update the SwiftUI preview. In the #Preview section, remove the entries parameter passed into the ContentView initializer:

#Preview {

Now, add a way for users to contribute new entries to this list. Add a button to the navigation bar that, when tapped, appends a new entry to the entries array.

Add the following .navigationBarItems modifier to the NavigationView in ContentView under the navigationTitle modifier:

.navigationBarItems(trailing: Button(action: {
    let newEntry = FinancialEntry(id: UUID(), amount: 120, category: "Groceries", isExpense: true)
}, label: {
    Image(systemName: "plus")

This code adds a button with a plus icon to the navigation bar. When the button is tapped, it creates a new FinancialEntry and appends it to the entries array. Because entries is a @State property, SwiftUI automatically updates the view to include the new entry in the list.

Now, run the app to see your changes in action. The navigation bar has a plus button — tap this button a few times, and you’ll see new entries appear in the list. This demonstrates how @State enables dynamic updates to the UI based on user interaction.

In summary, you’ve seen how to use the @State property wrapper to manage local state within a SwiftUI view. By making entries a @State property, ContentView can update its list of entries dynamically. Changes to @State properties trigger automatic updates to the UI.

In the next segment, you’ll dive further into how to initialize @State properties.

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