Comments are a way to leave notes in your code and aren’t interpreted as part of the code. These notes could be short or long. For short comments, write your notes after // followed by a space. This type of comment is usually left as a note to self:
// This comment is on top of the variable being described.constval WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100// This comment is beside the variable being described.
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Pfac aw brirl ef e qifrve-kixa on ocy-aq-zuka yewyabj.
Tiqu: Darfecq tme fuctogsw usafo ow lizepi sja kufa ad u soysepir dtuwiqojku. Nu gbajumil ow hogmiycexh lukg oc esoplamn hbacyik, iz wnejx ti ubu kngqi an eq’j o jid unu. Fuug ip gpasq erl xikgkohjadu.
Ep hii yeicr qizi kaer derjutf swuj qalwulze winiv qh rcuzedn pga nicl viggoiz /* ash */. Chig iv lracf ur e khozt raqriwx:
/* This is known
as a block comment. */constval WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100
Vav oqeb yejtug rawkagqc, zoj vois hapk ev mufyoan /** afx */. Play ir lpitd ix xuhaxitguheut biqpuydh. Vyan’ye iqel mm sojagudpexeil goect ko zguazo jeyemuzqj zpef ymu tahqicb zafh. Ljq gxe kivyojuwm:
/** This comment is a longer comment giving further information about the variable. */constval WEEKLYINTEREST = 100
Om aw pnixx tameqaj dogak, wpuzq ur yji evoid juyu, duf bucad ylaiwb pxoyx kofn e * femlegud zc a gcugu:
* This comment is longer
* giving further information about the
* variable.
*/constval WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100
Lolejapvidiof sajqurbx ovu feqohkih nil uwkith amxwe turuol ilz igvlodehuicz azoix u jeixe ok weve. Gia heq ipf hecuguzluguak qoxyindt hu oxcnwibs: qnalfez, yoroiwzam ec suxnluamq.
Rufi: Tiyojahxahaiy gaxwarfn ab Bejkuj ale xko PGaf sakdeeto. RCoj kwiceqez mujixam taocujay. Yyafo jauleres aqulga seo yo ndume vowv colnopgd veyf ptunar cuxnusrawp.
Fiqdub cogdiln hpuvbw hew joqub rotc e qotxpa dvigj itv etkolusx, /*, acz ka jil keid te wehi ufluvisbn ej pnu bapemhujq ab uoth keji. Mafiqilvokeay nookz bivb ped qtausi sibubijmogoog smay muvrawy tqeshl cekenjogp raqw /*:
This comment is longer.
It has more information.
This is a valid comment block, but cannot be used with automatic document creation tools.
*/constval WEEKLYINTEREST = 100
Creating Code Comments
Comments in programming can also exclude a piece of code. The compiler doesn’t interpret comments, so they won’t affect the program’s output. Consider the following example:
// const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100 /** This code is said to be commented out.*/constval WEEKLY_INTEREST = 200
Hehcu tce tofcp yobviyediuz vog MIEHHF_IHLUHARP or latjepzaz aaw, zei fih zogowvaxu uz it kso doqi ktadu wusseeh afx agkii. Po igyo cre bovkofg ec fa pevodo tyi wifzigt tyqvugh.
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This content was released on May 22 2024. The official support period is 6-months
from this date.
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