Instruction 5

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Using Comments

Comments are a way to leave notes in your code and aren’t interpreted as part of the code. These notes could be short or long. For short comments, write your notes after // followed by a space. This type of comment is usually left as a note to self:

// This comment is on top of the variable being described.
const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100 // This comment is beside the variable being described.

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/* This is known
as a block comment. */
const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100
/** This comment is a longer comment giving further information about the variable. */
const val WEEKLYINTEREST = 100
* This comment is longer
* giving further information about the
* variable.
const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100
This comment is longer.
It has more information.
This is a valid comment block, but cannot be used with automatic document creation tools.
const val WEEKLYINTEREST = 100

Creating Code Comments

Comments in programming can also exclude a piece of code. The compiler doesn’t interpret comments, so they won’t affect the program’s output. Consider the following example:

// const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100 /** This code is said to be commented out.*/
const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 200
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