Instruction 3

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The Difference Between Logical and Comparison Operators

Both logical and comparison operators result in a Boolean value, true or false. Logical operators operate on Boolean values only. Comparison operators operate on both Boolean and numerical data types.

The ? Operator

This operator marks a variable or object as nullable. This means the variable or object can contain a null value. Without it, the value is non-nullable. That means there’s no way it can be null. This assurance is essential for dealing with values. Kotlin forces you to assign only non-nullable values to non-nullable types. If a type is nullable, you may assign a null or non-null value to it.

fun main() {
  val items: Int? = null

The Elvis Operator

This is a special Kotlin operator, ?:, that assigns the value to the left of the operator to a variable if the value isn’t null. Otherwise, it assigns the value to the right of the operator. null is a special data type that means there’s nothing. When you try to operate on a null value, you’ll get an error. There’s more about this in Lesson 5. In the example below, you pay for the items if it isn’t null. If it is, you pay 0. Here’s how it works:

fun main() {
  val items = null
  val amount = items ?: 0
  println("Amount to pay: $amount")
Amount to pay: 0

The ?. Operator

You’re still on nulls. Remember that calling a method on a null object will result in an error? As part of Kotlin’s type safety mechanisms, the null-safe operator ?. is used to access null objects safely. When used, the method will only be called if the variable is not null. If it is, that portion of code won’t be executed.

fun main() {
  val apple: Int? = null
  val orange: Int = 5

  val total = apple?.plus(orange)

The !! Operator

This operator asserts that an expression isn’t null. The variable may be nullable, but you may want to call methods on it. Instead of using the null safe operator ?., you can use the null assertion operator to cast the nullable type to a non-nullable variable. This then allows you to call methods on the variable as though it were non-nullable.

fun main() {
  var fruit: String? = null
  fruit = "Sugarcane"

The in Operator

The in operator is used to check if an operand contains another operand. This operator works on sequences and collection. The operation searches through the operand on the right for the value of the operand on the left. Non-primitive values are values made of basic data types. An array of strings is a non-primitive value. Non-primitive values have the method contains() instead of in.

fun main() {
  val bucketList = arrayOf("Kotlin", "Android", "iOS", "Flutter", "Kodeco")
  if ("Kotlin" in bucketList){
    println("Yes! Kotlin is in my bucket list.")
Yes! Kotlin is in my bucket list.
fun main() {
  val bucketList = arrayOf("Kotlin", "Android", "iOS", "Flutter", "Kodeco")
  if (bucketList.contains("Kotlin")){
    println("Yes! Kotlin is in my bucket list.")
fun main() {
  if ("I" !in "Team"){
    println("There's no I in 'Team'.")
There's no I in 'Team'.

Indexed Access Operator

This is represented by two square brackets []. It’s used to access elements in a collection. Used with a key-value-based type, it receives a value within the square brackets that corresponds with the key.

fun main() {
  val romanNumerals = mapOf("IX" to 9)
The character literal does not conform to the expected type Int # Or whichever the correct type is.
fun main() {
  val romanNumerals = arrayOf("I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X")
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 15 out of bounds for length 10
 at FileKt.main (File.kt:3)
 at FileKt.main (File.kt:-1)
 at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (:-2)

The Range Operator

The range operator is defined by two dots ... It creates a range of values that follow a natural progression from the left operand to the right operand inclusive.

fun main() {
  for (i in 1 .. 5){
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