Building Engaging User Interfaces with SwiftUI

Mar 12 2025 · Swift 5.9, iOS 17.0, XCode 15.0

Lesson 03: Integrating SwiftUI with UIKit

Building a Coordinator Class

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Connecting Delegates, Data Sources, and More

If you’re familiar with MKMap in iOS, you might wonder how you provide the delegate to add overlays to this MKMapView. If you try accessing data in a SwiftUI struct directly from UIKit, your app crashes. Instead, you have to create a Coordinator class that inherits from NSObject.

func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
  MKMapView(frame: .zero)
class MapCoordinator: NSObject {
  var mapView: FlightMapView
  var fraction: CGFloat

    _ mapView: FlightMapView,
    progress: CGFloat = 0.0
  ) {
    self.mapView = mapView
    self.fraction = progress
func makeCoordinator() -> MapCoordinator {
  MapCoordinator(self, progress: progress)
// 1
let distance = startPoint.distance(to: endPoint)
let cityRadius = distance / 100.0

// 2
let startOverlay = MKCircle(
  center: startCoordinate,
  radius: cityRadius

let endOverlay = MKCircle(
  center: endCoordinate,
  radius: cityRadius

// 3
let flightPath = MKGeodesicPolyline(
  coordinates: [startCoordinate, endCoordinate],
  count: 2

// 4
view.addOverlays([startOverlay, endOverlay, flightPath])
extension MapCoordinator: MKMapViewDelegate {
  func mapView(
    _ mapView: MKMapView,
    rendererFor overlay: MKOverlay
  ) -> MKOverlayRenderer {
    // 1
    if overlay is MKCircle {
      let renderer = MKCircleRenderer(overlay: overlay)
      renderer.fillColor =
      renderer.strokeColor =
      return renderer

    // 2
    if overlay is MKGeodesicPolyline {
      let renderer = MKPolylineRenderer(overlay: overlay)
      renderer.strokeColor = UIColor(
        red: 0.0,
        green: 0.0,
        blue: 1.0,
        alpha: 0.3
      // 3
      renderer.lineWidth = 3.0
      renderer.strokeStart = 0.0
      renderer.strokeEnd = fraction
      return renderer

    return MKOverlayRenderer()
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
  let view = MKMapView(frame: .zero)
  view.delegate = context.coordinator
  return view
  startCoordinate: flight.startingAirportLocation,
  endCoordinate: flight.endingAirportLocation,
  progress: flightTimeFraction(
    flight: flight
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
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