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Apple Intelligence Writing Tools provides AI-powered summarization and transformation of user-selected text in any native text or web view on iOS, iPadOS, or macOS. The Writing Tools suite works with editable and non-editable text views, helping users to improve their writing and better understand what they read.

The available options change according to the view and configuration you request as a developer, but generally speaking the Writing Tools in-line toolbar or panel let the user:

  • Proofread to find and fix errors
  • Rewrite, with options to set the tone of the rewrite to Friendly, Professional, or Concise
  • Summarize or generate Key Points
  • Transform the text into a list or table

As a SwiftUI developer, you have some control over the appearance of the tools, and quite a bit more control over them from UIKit. You can disable Writing Tools on your app’s text views from either user interface framework, although you should consider whether that’s best for the user.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll have learned how to:

  • Explain what Writing Tools are and what they can do for users.
  • Describe how the Writing Tools experience varies across different iOS text view types and identify which view types allow for developer customization.
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