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Writing Tools Experiences by View Type

Writing Tools appear whenever text is selected in any native text or web view. That said, the text view determines the tool version and your level of control. Although Writing Tools appear in all native text views, most configuration options are only available through UIKit. Also, although a simplified version of the Writing Tools is available in custom text views that use TextKit 1, custom views must use TextKit 2 to present the full Writing Tools experience.

SwiftUI Views

Each of the following SwiftUI views offers the complete Writing Tools experience by default. Developers can set a view modifier option to request a more limited experience.

UIKit Views

UIKit’s UITextField and UITextView also offer a complete experience by default, but also have additional configuration options, such as the ability to pause and restart operations that affect text storage; and to set ignored ranges of text that the tools will not attempt to modify.

Custom Views

Users can take advantage of Writing Tools even if your app uses custom text views implemented with UITextInteraction or UITextDisplayInteraction and UIEditMenuInteraction. If your custom view doesn’t use text interactions, you can set the isEditable property in the UITextInput protocol.

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